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The age of legal capacity is defined by law, but the capacity may be limited in certain ways. The purpose of this article is to present what are the main aspects of legal capacity. We will analyze briefly how it is regulated by the laws in Argentina and Spain. We will also elaborate on what are its components, limitations and consequences. Finally, we will provide an example with a personal reflection about the age of legal capacity in my country, Argentina . Legal capacity is the legal right to act in some particular matters. It starts from the moment of birth, until the time when an individual is able to fully understand that he or she has this capacity. There are two types of legal capacity: inherent and derived. Inherent capacity is referred to the right acquired at birth, which means that it does not depend on anyone else, but it must be exercised at all times by people who have reached this age of maturity. Its main limitation, which will be explained in detail later, comes from the fact that individuals cannot exercise their rights if they are mentally disabled or minors. It is based on the principle that all persons are equal, in other words, that innate capacity is equal for everyone. Consequently, every individual has the same rights and obligations in society. Derived capacity is when legal capacity is acquired in some specific cases which are referred to in the law because of certain circumstances or actions that may occur in life. Its limitation also stems from the fact that individuals must be mentally capable to handle their legal affairs. If not, they need to delegate their decisions to others who will proceed in their name. As a result, a person can lose legal capacity due to a handicap or old-age. This is the most important type of legal capacity because it establishes what decision an individual can take by himself/herself. It may be restricted in several ways: There are two main types of limitations: natural and legal. This distinction results from the characteristics of each type of limitation, because it refers to the reasons why limitations to capacity can exist. In order to be able to manage your own affairs, you need to have sufficient age and mental maturity. This is the purpose of this part, which describes these factors that are instrumental in determining legal capacity. The main problems in Argentina are: The main limitation for capacity comes from the right to act in the cases where it is prohibited or restricted by law. The restrictions can be natural or created by social welfare. Legal limitations result from legal norms which restrict capacity so that it can be used in certain cases, while natural limitations come from internal causes, such as mental illness, fatigue due to disease or other health issues. Also there are several types of legal restrictions to capacity: voluntary or involuntary, personal or common. cfa1e77820

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